With deepest regret I must inform all HPA members that due to personal and business hardships I must resign as Region 3 director.
I gave it my best and I felt that wasn't enough. I took off work and travelled to the board meetings in Texas and Colorado which cost me thousands of dollars in airfare, rental cars, meals, transportation costs, and hotels. USHPA will only reimburse up to $500.
Well last night was the straw that broke my back. With all my stress lately building a house, running Hawaii's top 10 roofing companies full time as chief cook and bottle washer I decided to spoil myself on the long overnight red eye flight to Denver. Especially since my meetings start when I land and can't check in until 3:00 I bought a 1st class ticket on United Airlines.
I arrived at HNL 1 1/2 early with no bags and went straight to Premier security line to avoid the longer coach lines with my 1st class ticket. It was then I was informed sorry sir your in coach?
I went United's 1st class desk and was told that yes, since I changed my ticket from Salt Lake to Denver I lost my 1st class seat upgrade and was now booked into 18E, coach. I paid for 1st class - $1900...
While I was on the phone with United the reservation agent handed me a ticket that was in 16F, not only was it a middle seat, but I was also informed I was on standby. I Freaking paid for 1st class and had a confirmation number.. WTF?
Looks like United over sold the flight, there were no other seats available. I almost threw my phone at them but this is my 8th IPhone of the year.
I am a loyal United Gold card member and have been for years. Gold status is not easy to get, and I purchase a lot of materials using my United cc card.
I am more than pissed off this morning that I am not at Golden for my last USHPA meeting.
My hotel charged my cc card $615.00, Hertz charged me $417.00 and United $1900!
Expensive screw up, thanks United Airlines!
See ya all at the new Fort Gravity in November for the HPA party.
Peace out,